Where I am From, And a Winner!
Hello, Friends!
Happy March!!!! Spring is coming. Our daffodils and other flowers are peeking through the ground, there are red buds on the maple tree and I’ve seen my first robin. Even better, the days are getting longer!
That will make a girl happy. Hopefully, you are seeing signs of spring where you live, too.
Some of you know that I taught 8th graders Language Arts for many years, and I really miss reading the occasional piece of writing that would knock my socks off. Many of those kids were so insightful and so creative and I LOVED discovering what they thought about life.
But I don’t miss grading spelling tests ONE BIT. #nevergetthosehoursback
One of my favorite assignments was reading a poem, Where I Am From, by Georgia Ella Lyons and then using it as a pattern to write one of our own. It was a touching and soul cleansing assignment. Every year, the students thought they couldn’t do it, and then they produced the sweetest poems ever. I bet they were saved and are in a drawer somewhere in houses all over Jasper county. At least I hope so.
I want to challenge you to get out a piece of paper and write one about your own life-I bet you enjoy it!
Where I Am From……My Version!
Where I am From
By Susan Shull
(Taken from a poem by Georgia Ella Lyons)
I am from cornfields and bean fields
From hogs, cows, and chickens.
From we have planting to do and
30 more acres to harvest.
I am from the October sky
Crisp fall nights and
Millions of twinkling stars.
I am from the vegetable garden,
The string, stakes, and tiller.
Fresh green beans, corn on the cob,
And vine ripened tomatoes.
I am from church Christmas programs,
Finger foods in the basement after services,
And “Thou shalt be saved.”
I am from secrets only whispered about,
Hair curled tight by new perms and
Brush rollers with plastic picks.
I’m from family reunions,
Homemade ice cream packed in scary dry ice.
From a bunch of bananas at least a yard long,
and no swimming until one hour after we eat.
I’m from hard times and good times.
From sleepless nights and
Sweet peace.
I’m from Ted and Alice
And “treat others
The way you want to be treated.”
I am blessed.
If I were writing this poem today, I’d probably say something about Billy Graham and how I didn’t understand why Grandma Marrs insisted on watching him preach.
Now, I get it, and I listened to his funeral today. Maybe you did, too. What an example!
I LOVED reading your comments on this blog and on FB about the people in your life who are an encouragement to you. I loved it so much, I’m going to give away 3 pairs of earrings.
The Winners of the very cute leather earrings are:
Katherine Brewer
Lisa Denney Wallace
Rebekah Nester
Ladies, send me your mailing address and I’ll get these beauties in the mail! Please share a photo of you wearing them so we can see your adorable faces. And if anyone else would like a pair, I can hook you up.
I’ll be anxiously awaiting your versions of Where I am From. Please share them in the comments.
I love this, and reading your poem. Although I grew up by the ocean, there were several similarities, thanks for sharing. I will try my best to write one too.
And, SO excited to see I won some earrings…THANK YOU! Appreciate your kindness! Will send a pic for sure 😀
I’ll be getting those earrings in the mail tomorrow!
Thank you once again! 💕
Here is my version of the poem…thankful there is no right or wrong way to do this!
I come from an island with rocky coastlines, sandy beaches and treasures from the sea.
I come from a family who earned their living from the ocean, hard-working and rugged.
I come from a community where everyone went to church, no matter what you believed. Where I grew up loving Jesus and serving others.
I come from a family of 6, living with and loving my parents and four siblings, in a cute small bungalow. Where us kids shared beds, and many wonderful memories.
I come from a land of four seasons…swims in the ocean in summer, vibrant showy Octobers filled with crisp dry air, and snowy winter days for outdoor activities.
I come from a wild and free childhood, in a community where everyone knew everyone…good and bad…with not a worry in the world. Where we used our imaginations to guide our days.
I come from a village where I was surrounded by extended family…my granddad being my favourite person ever…I learned what unconditional love was from him.
I come from a simple way of life that continues today, in a small city in a small province. Free and peaceful…by the river. Which is lovely, but salt water runs in my veins still.
I come from way more than I deserve, and I’m so very thankful. Grace and mercy…All His.
Kathy! Thank you so much for sharing this. It is beautiful, and I love how it helps me to know you better. We are kindred spirits!
Very nice poem, Susan! Enjoyed it very much, reminded me of some of my childhood!! It was great to see you last Saturday!! Hope your granddaughter’s team did well!
It was great to see you, too! The girls lost the championship game of the regionals but have improved so much. Now…..have your written your poem? I hope you will and then come back and share it with us please!
Loved your thoughts! Here is my “where I Am From” by Terry Samsil (taken from poem by Georgia Ella Lyons
I am from the Prairie state, old farm house
cows, pigs, chickens, kittens and a dog called Skippy.
From warm spring night, fireflies and mud pies.
Tall pines, moutain views, daytrips, long walks to school,
coton dresses, breadwrapper boots, saddle oxfords, bedtime stories and sharing a bed with my sister.
I am from home cooked meals, mind your manners,
saying grace, singing gospel acapella, cane poles,
fishin holes, lilacs, Sunday family dinners.
From fields of corn, wheat and soybeans, John Deere,
snapping beans, shelling peas, shucking corn
beneath the old shade tree, ringer washer, clothes on the line, smell of turned earth in the spring time.
I am from pilgrims, pioneers, Jesse and Gayle.
Teresa! I LOVE your poem. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. It brought back many memories for me, too!
Love it, love it, love it. I can just see almost everything you wrote about since I spent many a Sunday afternoon with you!!!
I was so inspired by this poem and your assigning it to your students. I decided to try it myself, thinking I could work on it over the next 2-3 days. Lo and behold, I wrote this in less than 15 min. I actually think I could write several versions based on which time of my life I was thinking about. Notice I had to make my little changes, as in changing the title.
What I am Now by Bev Livermore
I am from black coffee in the morning
without much conversation.
I am from plans to be organized
about rituals to start my day
that never materialize.
I am from fall is my favorite season
with the smell of burning leaves
and the sound of crisp juicy apples.
To me it is a symbol of slowing down,
snuggling up and putting aside.
But as I have aged, I am more aware
of the beauty of spring.
It is the symbol of God’s starting over.
I am from what if and but I
would do it this way.
I have music and rhythm going inside
my mind all the time.
I do not understand what it means
to be still.
I am from God.
Maybe I would make myself different
But I am loved for what and who I am.
Ahhhh, Bev! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Wasn’t it fun? I am always touched by how much we can learn about the deeper parts of someone in just a few words!