The Sound of Freedom
Have you seen The Sound of Freedom, finally released by Angel Network after Disney held it for 5 years? It is one of those movies I didn’t really want to see, but felt like I should see.
I was right.
Ever since Covid, I work really hard to protect my heart and mind from worrying about things that I have no control over. Things that make me mad. That make me question authority and who is trustworthy.
I made an exception for this film and I’m glad I did. Very impactful and not easily forgotten, I’m still trying to process it days later. Please go see this.
People are so fascinating. It’s true.
I’m confused.
And my heart is spinning.
How can such evil exist on the same planet as so much goodness?
One Side of the Coin
Sunday, some of my neighbors met to plan our first annual Country Mile block party. I keep thinking about the faces sitting around the table and I’m thankful to live among them.
They are smart, talented, creative.
Business owners.
Health care providers.
Great employees.
Moms and dads who are raising upstanding citizens.
Farmers who feed the world.
They are all these things and more with this bonus: they love Jesus, too.
Driving through our very rural community you might not realize how awesome these people are. Big wigs disregard and even ridicule those of us in “flyover country,” and we live in the flyover of all flyover land, but “self proclaimed fancy people” just don’t know what they don’t know. My neighbors are the kind of people you want on your side because they know how to DO THINGS.
I’m so grateful we live where we do, and I bet your neighborhood is filled with similar human beings. Unfortunately, there is a very dark side to the world, too.
The Flip Side of the Coin
The Sound of Freedom gives a horrid glimpse into the reality of what happens….
😭when law and order disintegrate.
😭when criminals run the show.
😭when evil runs wild.
😭when people have no moral compass and the drive to satisfy the lusts of the flesh takes priority.
😭when people are driven by fear and greed.
The statistics shared at the end of the movie are enough to make me curl up in the corner and cry. Pedophilia and pornography and sexual slavery are everywhere apparently and the UNITED STATES is the biggest consumer.
What the heck?
What Can We Do?
Goodness knows, I do not know how to solve this problem. However, I can pray and guard my own heart and be aware.
So much of what we watch and what we read would have been considered PORNOGRAPHY just a few years ago. Why are we allowing this trash into our homes? Perhaps it is because, we have been desensitized one scene at a time and now it doesn’t seem that bad.
Everyone is watching the show/reading the best seller, so it must be ok. Right?
Each day, we have a choice….we are living for God or His enemy. There is no in-between ground or happy medium. Can you imagine how horrible hell will be when there is NO GOODNESS to be found anywhere?
Your hell can start on earth and continue for eternity, or you can choose to live in the kingdom of God NOW and forever.
That is my choice.
Gosh, I wish the story told in The Sound of Freedom wasn’t true. It scares me to think how much worse the problem probably is now.
God, help us.
Please share your thoughts and reactions and action steps with us. We truly want to know.
An invitation to the block party made its way to me. What a great idea!
Also, Sound of Freedom was an excellent movie. Very eye opening! Have you seen Nefarious? It is streaming on a lot of platforms right now. Also a very good faith based movie.
Hey, neighbor! Doesn’t the party sound like fun? I HATE that I will be gone and have to miss the first annual shindig.
We haven’t watched Nefarious, but I’ll look it up for sure. Thanks for the rec!
Oh Susan, so true. We have a “very close to home” experience with this first hand. About 3 weeks ago we woke up to numerous law enforcement officers at our neighbors house. All the neighbors were very confused as he has lived here over 4 hrs, has a PhD in animal science, has worked as professor in college, an educated man and very polite. What could be the issue, we were all wondering. Long story short, he was arrested on charges of possession of child pornography. What? No way? But sadly, it’s true. One of the law enforcement officer’s told our neighbor that “you never know, some people have a very dark side”. Needless to say, we were all shocked and angry and confused as to why he would choose to do those things. It does set you back on your heels when it’s close to home.
OH my gosh, Bambi. That is terrible and scary that someone could appear so normal and be so twisted. Glad they arrested him and hope they get the ones supplying the trash.
We have to be on alert at all times, don’t we?
I thought the Sound of Freedom, while extremely upsetting and concerning, was very well done — nothing to graphic (which is rare in movies these days) but you still know what is happening. I appreciate the visibility they bring to this horrendous issue. I think the movie just reminded me that we need to be more aware that this issue exists right in our midst and to keep our eyes open — make an effort to make eye contact with others and/or don’t be afraid to speak to others when we are out and about. Become people who someone might sense that they can reach out to for help if need be.
Shari-yes to all this. Even though the topic was very disturbing, we didn’t leave the movie without hope. So glad for brave people who will not stop until something is done.
I too as well as Carl were horrified by the numbers mentioned at the end of the movie. The movie really opened our eyes to how bad it is!! I have become more alert to if I see anything suspicious I now know the number to call (888) 373-7888. Also, there’s a hand signal that people use in case they are in trouble or in a bad situation. Google that, everyone should become aware of that signal!
Thank you for this info. I wasn’t aware of the phone number and will be teaching people the signal. Thanks for the heads up!
We saw Sound of Freedom..very sad and disgusting that humans promote and participate in such sick behavior.
Isn’t it horrendous? What in the world is wrong with people?