Reflecting...Lessons from 2019Hello, Friends!What a lovely day we have here in Illinois! The sun is shining, the wind isn't blowing (something kind of unusual here on the prairie) and the temperature is almost perfect for a winter day. I'll be going for a walk this afternoon so I can cross "spend time outdoors almost every day" off my list for today. Before I do that, I want to share some of the lessons I learned in 2019.Lessons from 2019 I have turned into a goal setting, list making … [Read more...]
I Need a Text Message from the Lord
I Need a Text Message from the Lord Hello, Friends! I've missed you! How have you been? I hope your spring mornings have been filled with singing birds, gentle breezes and eyes to enjoy the beauty all around you. God is sooo good to us, isn't he? I woke up earlier than normal this morning worrying about what I was going to say during Morning Exhale, second guessing myself and beating myself up with doubts and negative self talk. I wondered if I'm really doing God's will for my … [Read more...]
Reflections….What Worked for Me in 2017
Hello, Friends! Wasn't 2017 a good year? Before we rush headlong into 2018, it's good to reflect on God's goodness, don't you think? I could write this entire post about how thankful I am for my sweet husband, kind sons, precious daughters in law, and treasured granddaughters. But, that goes without saying, right? Trust me when I say they are all delightful. (And don't want me to talk about them all over the internet.) No one has a year without some problems and concerns, but I'm dwelling … [Read more...]
One Little Word That Will Teach Me…..Gather
One Little Word That Will Teach...Gather Are you a goal-setter? A List Maker? A reflect-back-over-the-year person? None of that comes naturally to me. Well, except for the reflecting part. I do like to try to learn from my experiences and the only way to do that is to take the time to evaluate what worked and what didn't. In general, I’m a BLUE personality type who is more prone to flying by the seat of my pants. I’m drawn to the “shiny thing over there” and o … [Read more...]
One Little Word…..JOY
Have you heard about One Little Word? It’s a project that has been popular in the blogging world for several years and one in which I have participated. The idea is to choose a “word” that will be your focus for the year. Last year, I chose LEARN as my word with a goal of trying to learn a lot of new things. I even had a charm stamped with my word on it to put on one of my many bracelets. I guess I should have made a large banner instead, because as is my all-too-frequent … [Read more...]