Last week was a special check-something-off-my-bucket list time. I was able to take our oldest granddaughter and her friend for a week in Florida. Karen, my dear sister, was scheduled to go with us, but she opted to stay home and farm, so Debbie, my dear friend, joined us. We had an absolutely fabulous time. (I will not even get into the guilt I felt at leaving my farmers during the absolute busiest time of year after an incredibly wet and stressful spring. Let's just say I owe … [Read more...]
Grateful on Mission
Hello, Friends! Mission Trips, Casas por Christo, and Friends When you had a chance to go on a mission trip and you knew it was going to be fun and gratifying because no one can out give God, but He pours out his blessings in ways you never dreamed, it takes a few days to process it. Let alone share it with others. Some things should be treasured up in your own heart, but others you want to shout from the mountaintop so God gets HIS glory. If you have ever been tempted to go on a … [Read more...]
Fighting Back with JOY
Have you ever heard of Margaret Feinberg? She was new to me until this spring when my friend suggested we do one of her Bible studies with our small group. I am so glad we met through the pages of her study. She is ONE. WISE. WOMAN. A flat-out gifted teacher of the word. And I now know that she is a big deal in the Christian publishing/speaking world. She has written 4 books and Bible studies, has been featured in lots of media, and is a popular speaker at big events like Catalyst and … [Read more...]