Freezing rain again here today, so we had to cancel another meeting that was to be held in our home tonight. I was looking forward to some great conversation, good dessert, and coffee. I even bought some pretty new coral napkins and 2 bags of Lindor truffles to put on my table.
{So far I have stayed out of the chocolate, but I had better give it away to a chocolate-lover-in need quickly or I might be in trouble!}
Instead, this evening I will be crocheting, eating popcorn, and watching Project Runway: Under the Gunn and Downton Abbey.
Ok. Maybe that doesn’t sound so bad!
Yesterday the sun was shining brightly and that made it seem like a heat wave even though the temp was just in the upper teens, so Brad and I decided to go for a winter walk. We wrapped up tight and headed for our neighbors woods. It is really like a park and I love to walk there.
I snapped this picture from our patio before we left.
The snow was deep enough that it made for tough walking and we were plenty warm.
I was captivated by the light and the deer tracks that criss crossed the property.
This winter has been challenging, hasn’t it? I feel fortunate that I have been able to be out and about quite a bit, but I think about elderly people or those with health problems who have been housebound-afraid to leave their homes because a fall could land them in a nursing home.
I should go visit them, shouldn’t I? Or at least send a card.
We also saw Precious, the neighborhood deer, and her twins. I was glad to see they survived the fall hunting season. I think they picked up their hooves and waved at us as we drove slowly by.
I’m so grateful for the beauty I can see within 2 miles from our farm. God is so creative and generous with his masterpieces!
Beautiful pictures
I will be catching up on Downton tomorrow night
That's always a good thing!
Gorgeous pictures. Our snow is almost all gone … except for the gigantic piles where the plowed and shoveled snow was put. I'm hoping we get some more before spring comes … just not the sub-zero temperatures afterwards! 😉
Goodness!! What stunning shots you captured! The winter has been trying but there has been so much beauty in it that I will miss when it leaves. I hope you can get your group over soon to enjoy some good conversation! All the best this week! Nicole
That is just crazy that you have seen 7 owls now! I don't think I have seen one in my adult years. I saw them around the barns when I was a kid … but I haven't seen one in years.
I feel sorry for the elderly and handicapped people, too. It has been a terrible winter all the way around- xo Diana
Breathtaking photos. Oh, and feel free to send the chocolate my way!
I'm wondering what sort of crochet project you're working on. You certainly do have beautiful scenery! I really enjoy your photos.
Nature truly is God's masterpiece! Such beautiful pics. Looks really cold though, so stay in and stay warm xx
I'm glad you were able to find the blessings in changed plans. We've actually had a little bit of snow ourselves in the deep South this winter and it's incredibly beautiful. Love your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Susan! Your photos are simply stunning! God has blessed us with such beauty – thank you for sharing some of it with us. Hugs!
We just got hit with a ton more snow. Like you said, it's been challenging.
But your photos are gorgeous!
Beautiful photos from your walk! 🙂 Thankfully our temperatures here in Virginia reached almost 60 degrees!! It was glorious to get outside and walk my dogs. Like you I think about the elderly during bad weather. I guess it goes back to my mother-in-law being on oxygen and worrying about the power going out. I think about what a hardship the high electric bills will be for so many too. 🙁 Sorry about your meeting. You could have watched the Olympics. We really enjoyed the ice dancing. 🙂 ~Gina
Hello Susan, I am so happy that you see the beauty in all you encountered on your walk. I have been trying to practice a very positive attitude even when things are so out of control. I like to make myself and those around me comfy and cozy no matter the temps.
A friend of ours was telling us that we are in a cycle of very weird weather patterns and it will affect even the wildlife.
You may send me the bag of chocolate if it would help you out! ;o) Blessings, Roxy
GOrgeous view from your patio! Praying the snow melts soon for you and spring arrives right on time. In the mean time it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job of making the best of it all. I just started Downton this year (watched the first seasons on Amazon)and am hooked : )
Your pictures are absolutely lovely! This has been a cold winter, but surely Spring is just around the corner! My husband played for a Valentines event at a nursing home last Friday – he played a lot of old songs and quite a few of them knew all the words. He enjoys playing for them.
I love your photos! God sure has blessed you with His beauty. I love walking too and it extra special to appreciate the God that gave us our earth.
Hi Susan! You have a neighborhood deer? That is 'precious'! And I love 'Under the Gunn', that Tim Gunn is so funny sometimes, and so supportive of new talent. Even though Isabelle (I think that's her name?) drives him nuts…
You are fortunate to live in such a picturesque place. I love your photos. They are so still and peaceful. We are still dealing with 5 and 6' drifts, but hopefully thawing is on it's way.
Thank you for your recent visit! Have a wonderful Wednesday 🙂
These views were so much like my own last week, but fortunately, the sun has come out a melted a great deal of the ice… I'm ready for spring and summer again =)
After popcorn, there's chocolate.
beautiful pictures, looks so serene and peaceful. I must admit though I'm ready for spring and sun
Well, Downton IS the best way to spend a rainy night! 🙂
We like the same shows, especially Downtown Abbey.
Your photos are beautiful.
I saw an owl once sitting on the drive thru menu at taco bell. I was afraid to open the window it was so close. I wish I'd had my camera. It flew down and caught a mouse. Not a good sign for eating there.