Hello, Friends!
Don’t you just love November? I do, too, and in a few more hours, it’s over.
So many people have turned it into a month of gratitude not just a day of Thanksgiving, which is so encouraging. I enjoy seeing people share on social media the big and small reasons they are thankful, and it reminds me to be filled with gratitude, too.
As believers, I think one of our biggest jobs is being grateful for the blessings from the Father. Let’s turn down the volume of the retailers and the advertisers that encourage us to spend our lives looking ahead to the next holiday and opportunity to spend a bunch of money, and be present today. The November pause to regroup and focus on what we have instead of what we don’t is a gift and I hope you soaked it up!
The scriptures remind us over and over again to give thanks…..to have an abundance mentality not a poverty mentality. Unfortunately, it is possible to have a house full of possessions, pantry full of food, bank account with extra money and multiple friends and family who love us and still operate as if we don’t have enough. That is a poverty of spirit which results in a poverty mentality.
It’s gross and ugly.
And I’ve been stuck there at times. How about you?
On to today’s topic……
High Vibe Living
Ever since this summer when I first heard the term on a podcast, I have been mulling over the idea of “High Vibe Living”. The podcaster discussed all of this in terms of quantum physics, which got me interested in the topic. I read Seven Brief Lessons on Physics and understood about 1% of it even though the book is an international best seller, apparently totally absorbed by many people.
Just not me.
I will now attempt to explain to you what I know about Quantum Physics…..nothing!
I did learn that it has something to do with energy, and frequencies and insides of atoms and quarks and other mysteries. I wish I had a copy of the Brief Lessons book so I could read it again. Perhaps I’d absorb a bit more the second time through. One thing I know for sure, after I read about all the activity that is happening around us at all times that we can’t begin to observe, I was more in awe than ever of God.
No matter what a smarty pants you are, HE IS SMARTER. He thought up all of this and SPOKE it into existence.
And to think that HE allows us to use WORDS, too, is just too much to comprehend. Our words are powerful and in a way we create our world with them. It’s a mind boggling choice.
Words of encouragement or words of criticism.
Words of Love and life or words of pain and death.
Words of praise or self righteousness.
Words that glorify the Light or words that glorify darkness.
Jess in the podcast was striving to live a High Vibe life all on her own power. She was someone who might describe herself as post Christian, raised in the Catholic church but consciously having made the decision to leave it all behind as she pursued her own version of the truth. Traveling all over the world alone sounds scary and lonely to me, but she was doing it as part of her search for a high-vibe life. I’d love to have coffee with her sometime and I can’t help but imagine her back story.
However, we all have our journey to travel, and I sure hope hers leads her back to the Father.
This all begs the question….are you and I living a High Vibe life? I’m not even sure what it means exactly and can’t find a definition, so I guess I get to decide. To me, it means really living my life….not sleepwalking through it…..not being the walking dead….not living in the past….not constantly projecting into the future…..not wishing I had someone else’s life…..
Oh, the irony. The only way to live a HIGH VIBE life is if Jesus is at the center, a truth which is contrary to what the world thinks.
Believers and High Vibe Living….10 Reasons We Can
When we come out of the baptismal waters, we are a new creation. Washed clean, brand new on the inside, never alone again. Holy Spirit is now our constant companion. Acts 2:38
A few Sundays ago, we had a baptism after church ended. Holy Spirit called and a sweet girl answered after most of the congregation had left the building. Amy Flo and I joined some others on the front row to witness this new birth. For the first time (I’m embarrassed to acknowledge this) I was ultra aware that we were about to witness a MIRACLE. We watched a young woman enter the waters as one person and come out as NEW. The water was not magical, the words were spoken by mortal man, but her FATHER did the work and she received the GIFT.
High Vibe Living.
We are LOVED by the ONE who is LOVE. 1 John 4:16
I just want to cozy right up to HIM, don’t you? And, amazingly, HE wants me right next to HIM.
Of course, even if you run to the far corners of the world trying to escape the Father, you are still loved with the purest love, you just don’t know it yet.
However, as believers we accept that love and relish in it and soak it up and can’t help but be filled with thanksgiving that results in praise.
High Vibe Living.
We are cared for by the GOOD SHEPHERD. Psalm 23
When we are worn out, or discouraged, or beaten down by meanness of people who aren’t living lives of LOVE just yet, we are able to be recharged and ready to go again. Jesus metaphorically makes us lie down in beautiful green pastures, He leads us beside quiet waters and HE restores our souls. He feeds us delicious soul food right in the presence of those who seem like our enemy.
High Vibe Living.
We are being transformed. Romans 12:2
Time is marching right on, isn’t it? My babies are now raising their own children, our delightful parents and their siblings and friends are moving closer to glory, and Brad and I now qualify for the senior citizen discount. I see more gray hair when I look in the mirror, and I wonder when I got an extra chin. I am aging on the outside-there is no denying it, no matter how many times I tell myself 60 is the new 40!
But….on the inside, I am being made new. Through spending time with my Savior, praying and reading his word and worshiping, He is changing me and chipping off stuff and replacing it with His fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control. He is getting me ready for Heaven. And if you are a believer, it’s happening to you, too!
High Vibe Living.
We live life with a purpose.
Once we join the family of God, He gives us an important reason to get up every morning, not dependent on a 9-5 job, our physical strength or educational credentials. We have life-saving work to do, spiritual gifts with which to do it, and a world-wide team heading toward the same goal.
My marching orders in our farming community are the same as our cousin in Kenya, our friends working in Mexico, and my Holy Yoga sisters all across the United States. These orders don’t have an expiration date or retirement goal. We get to participate our ENTIRE lives, needed and useful.
Love God. Love Others.
Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age. Matt. 28:19-20 Msg.
High Vibe Living.
We have access to the Creator of heaven and earth, 24/7 and 365 days of the year. I Thes. 5:16-18
God doesn’t get tired of hearing from us and we don’t have to use the correct hashtag to be seen. He has all the answers and wants us to live an abundant life as we are traveling towards our REAL HOME. Jesus had an ongoing conversation with His Dad, teaching us to do the same.
Forgiveness, wisdom, strength, the right words, courage, people…..the list of what we can talk to God about is never ending!
Access to HIM doesn’t depend on who you are. The pope, Billy Graham, Queen Elizabeth, the pauper, the wealthy and I can all come freely before Him and he will listen. He wants to listen. Doesn’t it just make you want to raise your hands and dance with joy?
High Vibe Living.
We are the light of the world.
The world is searching for what we already have received. The love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control that Holy Spirit is producing in us can’t be obtained any other way.
Every place we go should become better because we are bringing Jesus with us. Bring the Joy!!! Bring the Love!!! Look for the hurting, the outcast, the lonely and be the hands and feet of Jesus to them.
Don’t hide your light. We get to shine and let God draw others to HIM through us. Our mindset should be one of abundance, not poverty. We have EVERYTHING that is important.
High Vibe Living.
Our true identity.
- I chose her before the creation of the world and adopted her into my family by faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. Eph. 1:4-11
- She is MY child. John 1:12, Romans 8:14-15
- She is Christ’s friend. John 15:15
- She is MY workmanship. Eph. 2:10
- She is MY coworker. 2 Cor. 6:1
- She is chosen and appointed by MY son, Jesus Christ, to bear His fruit. John 15:16
- She is forgiven. Matt. 26:28, Eph. 1:7
- She is sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. Eph. 1:13
- She is a new creation. 2 Cor. 5:17
- She is alive with Christ. Eph. 2:5
- She is blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. Eph. 1:3
- She is set free. Romans 8:2, John 8:32
- She is not alone and does not need to fear. Isaiah 43:1-3, Deut. 31: 6-8
- She is victorious through the Lord Jesus Christ. I Cor. 15:57
- She is not controlled by the sinful nature but by the Spirit. Romans 8:9
- She knows my voice and follows me. John 10:27
- She has received eternal life and cannot be snatched out of MY hand. John 10:28
- She is able to hear MY voice. John 8:47
- She does not belong to this world. John 15:19
- She belongs to ME! I Peter 2:9
High Vibe Living.
There you have it. As Christ followers, we can live a life that is different from the world and we should be. Let’s set an intention to live in the moment, in victory.
What does High Vibe Living mean to you? Please share. We all want to know!
Ahh…this was such an inspiring and motivating post! Thank you so much for the encouragement today, Susan.
You are so welcome, Becky! Hope all is well in Colorado!!!
This is so beautiful and very encouraging! Thank you sweet sister! Hugs … Donna
I’m so glad it encouraged you, Donna! Thanks for stopping by!