How are your insides today?
Are you peaceful and calm or are your “innards” roiling and churning and anything but calm? With everything that is going on in our world today, it is easy to be discouraged or flat-out scared.
Drug cartels.
Holy cow. What’s coming next?
It is enough to send stress levels and insecurities through the roof. This stress is very hard on us and results in our bodies not working efficiently- all the way down to the cellular level. This eventually leads to lots of different illnesses. Research is proving that stress is literally killing us.
Thankfully, God never intended us to live that way. We can come to him even in our very scary times, when nothing seems stable, when things around us are falling apart. Prayer is always available to God’s children and peace can come from sharing our cares and concerns with God the Father.He will restore our soul.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I just can’t calm down enough to even prayer. Anyone else?
I’m so thankful that God created our bodies with a built in stress reducer. It requires no extra equipment, can be done anytime, and it is FREE.
I love this prayer from Light for the Journey.
This is EXACTLY the reminder I needed today. My mind is mulling over various issues. I keep talking to God, but I don't think I'm taking the time to listen. Thank you for reminding me to BREATHE, relax, and trust my heavenly Father.
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Siga-me e pegue o meu selinho!!!
Beijos Marie.
What a great reminder to all of us, Susan! There are days when I barely slow down enough to take a deep breath..let alone enjoy a moment of peace and serenity.
You are so right- that is NOT the way it should be-not what was intended for us-not how we should be spending our time. Thanks for slowing my mind down- xo Diana
yoga breathing has gotten me through many things besides just a crazy hard pose.
Love the prayer
Taking deep breaths in and exhaling long as I read your timely reminder.
I remember when I got my first pair in the 7th grade. I couldn't believe how blind I was and just thought everyone saw things how I did. Jr High was a rotten time to get them, but I was just happy to be able to see the world in a new way 🙂 I have worn contacs now for the past 45 years, but have my trusty pair of glasses for emergencies.
sending hugs…