December 25th
has come and gone, but I am hanging on to the Christmas feeling with all ten of my need-to-get-a-manicure fingers. How about you?
Our holiday has not been perfect by any means. As a matter of fact, I was quite disappointed by some things and some people.
I’m choosing NOT to focus on that, but instead to center my thoughts on those wonderful moments that made this holiday season so special.
My Favorite Christmas Memories 2013
1. Thanksmas with the Shull side. I wrote about this holiday tradition when I was a guest blogger for Veronica. This was our last time to celebrate in the farmhouse where my husband and his siblings grew up. Brad’s mom has since moved to a new house down the road from us. We had so much fun that day, enjoying the 6 new babies born this year. Add them to the other 48 or so of us and you have a day filled with chaos, noise, good food, and love!
2. A Winter Camping Trip We loaded up our vintage airstream and headed a couple of hours south and spent a night in a campground we had never visited before. We were almost the only ones there, and it was so quiet, peaceful, and beautiful. We bundled up and walked for a long time through the woods and along the lake, enjoying the gorgeous winter scenery.
3. Christmas Programs I love Christmas programs and we attended several of them this year. I enjoyed watching Faith sing with her classmates, and Alivia perform with the chorus and band. I am amazed at the talent of the students and the teachers. What a wonderful way to begin the month of December!
4. Christmas Blessing One of our sons and his wife traveled to her parents this year, so we had one of our family Christmas gatherings early. I love having all of my little family gathered around our table, listening as the kids share stories of the past and what is happening in their lives now. We always go around the table and tell something for which we are thankful. It is a great time for us to be honest and transparent with one another, revealing a little bit more of our hearts. We also gather in a circle, with our little grandchildren in the center holding a candle. We pray for each child, asking for God’s blessing and protection on our little ones. This was even more special this year since it was Hannah’s first Christmas. There is something powerful about hearing my sons pray for each other’s children.
5. Winter Snow We woke up one Saturday morning this month to a breathtakingly beautiful snowfall. The flakes were huge and piling up quickly. Activities were canceled and we took advantage! Bundling up and grabbing my camera, we got in our 4 wheel drive and headed over to a nearby woods. I can’t begin to describe this experience, and my pictures shown here do not begin to do it justice. We walked for a long time and it was just like being inside a snowglobe!
6. Sunday Dinner One of my goals for this winter is to have people over to eat that have never joined us for a meal in our home. I started by having our interim minister and another couple from church. We were joined by one of our sons and his 3 little girls. The girls rode home from church with me and on the way we discussed how they could help me get dinner on the table. I was so proud of them as they helped prepare the salad, carried dishes to the table, and helped clean up afterward. They were so adorable during the meal, listening to the conversation and adding cute and funny comments at appropriate times. I love being a grammie!
7. Holiday Brunch I had so much fun at my dear friend, Lisa’s, Christmas brunch. It was a small group of women, some of whom I hardly knew. We had wonderful food, great conversation, and bonded in a short time as we shared answers to random questions. I love spending time with new and old friends.
8. Wonderful Music We have a new worship minister at our church and he blessed our community with his talents this Christmas. We had a concert at our little church with a wonderful choir and a little orchestra and I smiled for the entire time. It was so good! And I don’t think I will ever forget sitting beside our 27 year old son at the Christmas Eve service. All the old traditional carols were on the program and both of us sang our hearts out. I loved it!
9. American Girl Store Yesterday, we loaded up Alissa’s van and headed to the American Girl store on a field trip. The girls were so excited and I loved watching them shop for some new clothes and accessories for their dolls, take their babies to the hair salon, and have “tea” in the pink-explosion restaurant. On the way home they laughed (and fought a little!) and sang and danced (as much as possible while wearing a seatbelt!). A wonderful memory!
10. Advent For the first time ever, I celebrated the Advent. It was very popular to do so this year, wasn’t it? Ann Voskamp and Liz Curtis Higgs both wrote advent devotionals, and Ann’s made the NYT bestseller list, I think. Isn’t that wonderful? I chose to study along with the She Reads Truth girls. This involved daily Bible reading, journaling, a devotional reading, music, and advent actions. I did this like I do most things-imperfectly, but I was so blessed by it. Focusing on the birth of Jesus, the prophecies that have come to pass and the ones that are yet to be fulfilled was powerful. I don’t want to leave that closeness and connection behind. So I’m not going to!
If you are still with me, thanks. I would love to hear about the highlights of your Christmas season. Want to share in the comments?
Linking up today to…..
Your snow photos look so magical, probably because it is hot and summery here in Australia. But also we simply don't get snow like that in most parts of Australia and we have a romantic view of snowy scenes.
Your Christmas sounds lovely but like you I had a few disappointments on the day but dwelling on them on creates negative feelings and that is never good.
First of all, your photos are amazing. Makes me wish I lived where it snowed. I had a wonderful Christmas. It was fun to spend with family and just chill. I cooked for 16 people on Christmas Day, and make my own cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Happy New Year!
Your Christmas sounds like it was lovely and I think the not so great stuff had to be diminished by all the good times! And your pictures are just magical!
Hi Susan, thank you for sharing with us. I was so touched to listen to you describe your son praying for his children. What a most wonderful gift you have been given. You are so right about focusing on God! My Christmas was wonderful, saw all my west coast grandkids the week-end before Christmas and shared Jesus' birth with my wonderful husband. Blessings and smiles, Emilou 🙂
What a wonderful Christmas! I love your traditions of family gathered around with thanksgiving and shared blessings. It sounds like you cherished each moment.
I am thankful and at the same time, I missed my brother. After my parents died, it seemed we had found some common ground but this year some of the hurt surfaced again. I was sad. He and I have since spoken and praying complete reconciliation. I miss my parents so!
Hold tightly to those treasures. I think it's a great idea to open your home. I wish I wasn't so afraid of letting others in my home for reasons of pride and comparisons as we women are so easy to do.
God is good and I am thankful for healing in so many areas of my life this year.
I look forward to getting to know you better through blogging.
thoroughly enjoyable post but want to hear more about that Airstream!
Dear Susan, It sounded really real and filled with love! You cracked me up over eating your peanut butter cup while reading one of my posts!
I did add a few of your pictures to my Pinterest Boards!
Happy New Year! I am very excited for what the Lord is doing!!
I can feel and sense a new life of energy from you as you blog!
Maybe you will write a book now that you are retired!
Blessings, Roxy
I was also recently thinking that I need to invite people to the house who I'd never had before.
I love that the one son prayed for the other's children…very sweet.
I also love your winter camping trip!
You truly had a wonderful Christmas Susan! I enjoyed reading about all the wonderful things you experienced with your family. The camping in the woods sounded perfect. Something I would love to do, but haven't attempted in winter yet with our son.
I agree that if we lived next door to one another we most definitely would be best friends!….so when are you moving??????:))))
sending hugs from here…
Hi Susan, great post! I love your pictures, they are beautiful, and I am DYING over those adorable strawberry people. Now I want to make some! We were so late with Christmas-related things this year–getting a tree, going to see Santa–that I'm with you, I'm holding onto the season for a bit longer. I live in Brooklyn and I have already noticed two Xmas trees parked on the sidewalk for the trashmen to take away. And this was on the 28th! What? People, can't you at least wait until after New Year's? Happy 2014 and thank you for the nice comments on my blog. I appreciate them! XO, Jill
Beautiful pictures and I so appreciate your writings. :). Isn't it the truth that people and things can disappoint, yet when we find the seeds of joy our hearts blossom. Love to you-
It sounds like you have some wonderful memories from your Christmas this year.
Hope 2014 is fabulous as well
Oh, Susan, I love this post!! I enjoyed reading about all your wonderful activities and little stories about grandchildren, too. 🙂 I appreciate how you said you were a little disappointed in a few people but choose not to focus on that. Don't we all have those family members? It is a mindset, isn't it? We must put our minds to the positive – there is so much of that in our lives. We are blessed, and I love reading about those things in your life!
Wishing you a blessed and happy new year!
Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates
Sounds like you had a WONDERFUL Christmas!
I just love the Christmas season it has always seemed magical to me. People are nicer, the decorations are beautiful, carols are sung…I am sure you get the gist 🙂
My family celebrated by going to the Christmas program at our church and also the Love Feast they have every year. My in-laws came for Christmas day and we just spent and enjoyed the time together.
Happy New Years!
Susan…you live a blessed life. Yes…there may be imperfection…but most of the world would think they had gone to heaven to live the beauty you do. My heart was so warmed by your description of your sons praying, your trip camping, the beauty of the snow, and the joy in your heart. You are a joy-splasher my friend.
May your New Year be blessed and Joy-filled!
Sounds like you had a full and blessed Christmas celebration, and may the new year be likewise! =D
Your snow pictures are just breathtaking! One of my favorite parts is my brother in law reading the sotry of Christ's birth from the Bible before any gifts are open. Puts the giving in perspective.