Warning: We interrupt this Advent season to present a post that is totally unrelated to anything festive or spendy. But I need to get this off my chest.I've been worn out lately with my need to have opinions about things. Big things. Little things.The Kardashian mom's hairstyle-even though it's cute, I don't want to look like HER. Mrs. Obama's lunch program.The way Chris was "sexualized" during this season of The Voice. Immigration. I have a question. Why does everyone in the world … [Read more...]
The Original Bachelorette
A few weeks ago, I finished studying the Old Testament book of Ruth with She Reads Truth. (This link will take you to the first day of the study if you are interested.)I have some thoughts swirling in my head and I need to get them down on paper so I can move on.Anyone else know what I mean? Sometimes I just don't know what I think about something until I get it down on paper.If you aren't familiar with the story or aren't a Bible reader, I invite you to go to this link and read … [Read more...]
Brain Drainfrom my pinterest boards Quotes I Like This Week.....Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.Happiness comes when you stop taking inventory.When someone shows you who they are, believe them...the first time.Industry is the enemy of melancholy.Perfect is the enemy of good.I'm wondering..... … [Read more...]