How to Help My Neighbor Hello, friends! Can we discuss something hard today? This is a topic about which I'm so conflicted. I'm not confused about if I should do it, but I'm mixed up about HOW to do it. I want to talk about loving my neighbor. About how to help people. When Jesus was asked by a Pharisee which commands in God's law were the most important, here was His answer: Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence. This is the most important, the … [Read more...]
Pasta Does Not Equal Peace
From my writing archives-who knew I had archives!A couple of weeks ago, I drug my poor husband to see the new Julia Roberts movie, Eat, Pray, Love, based on a book by the same name. Since I had read the book and like Julia Roberts, I really wanted to see the movie. I knew Brad was in trouble when we entered the theater and we were surrounded by lots of sweet white haired ladies and one or two of their husbands. He was a good sport, as usual, and we settled in. After watching Julia look for … [Read more...]
Mirror, Mirror
Do you ever have a day when God seems to use an object to teach you a lesson? I had one of those starting with my quiet time early this morning. My day has been focused on mirrors. from pottery barn … [Read more...]
I’ll Do That Later, Ok?
Are you one of those people?The one who makes to-do lists, and actually does what she writes down?The kind of person who measures the success of her day by what she accomplishes? The kind who always follows through on her commitments?Obviously, the blog world is full of people who are just like you. I am amazed at the painting, redecorating, crafting, cooking, reading, just plain DOING that some of you describe on your blogs. How you manage to do all that and then BLOG about it is … [Read more...]
For Today
I choose love.I choose joy.I choose peace.I choose patience.I choose kindness.I choose faithfulness.I choose gentleness.I choose self control.It really is a via pinterest and my camera! … [Read more...]