I'm sad and confused this afternoon.Let me back up and begin at the beginning-you know, they say that is a very good place to start.I LOVE Diane Keaton!I think she is adorable and funny with a great sense of style.And she wears a white shirt like no one else.When she makes a new movie, I almost always go to the theater to see it. So when my teacher buds decided to attend a matinee showing of her latest movie, The Big Wedding, I waved my hand in the air and said, "Me, too! Me, too!" … [Read more...]
This Body, A Temple?
Months ago I began a journey towards a goal that I have had for some time. That goal is to become a certified yoga teacher. I started doing yoga many years ago, and, girls, I love it. I love the way it makes me feel so flexible, healthy, strong, centered. Am I still aging? Yes. Do I sometimes catch a glimpse of a neck in a mirror and wonder whose it is? And take a big gulp when I realize it is mine? Yes. But I am stronger now than I was 10 years ago. I breathe … [Read more...]
Mind Shift
Blogging Buddies.I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am one disappointed farmwife this morning. I am shocked and surprised and disgusted about how the election turned out last night.Friends and I have texted our worry back and forth. We heard from our kids about their concerns. For a few hours there, everything seemed to be doom and gloom.I don't want the government to be my father or husband, but apparently half of America does.We just finished studying about the period of the Judges in … [Read more...]
I’m Nervous, Are You?
This post is part of my 31 Days of Transformation series. To read the rest of the series, click the tab above.People say you shouldn't talk about religion or politics.They say it isn't polite.I don't necessarily agree with those people, whoever they are, but I'm not going to discuss my political leanings in this blogpost.Not to say that I won't before Tuesday.What I want to say tonight is, I can't wait for this election to be over.I have been nervous for months about who is going to be our next … [Read more...]
Vintage Farmwife Manners
I took this pic at the St. Louis botanical gardens earlier this summer. Love that place!Can I share a little something that has been bugging the heck out of me?Thanks.I need to share a little back story so this will make sense.My baby sister, Amy, is nine years younger than me. You can imagine how special I thought she was since I was big enough to help care for her when she was born!Unfortunately, she was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system. … [Read more...]