My sister Amy is one tough cookie, and one of these days I will share some of her story.We are spending the day together, but we aren't spending it shopping or something else that is fun. She is having a medical procedure, and I came along to drive and offer moral support.I spent a lot of time in a small and very crowded waiting room this morning observing those around me, and I am thankful for the lesson God taught me there.Have you ever noticed that when people are under stress, they are more … [Read more...]
If it is Monday……..It’s Time for Flylady!
flylady-my hero! must be time for my house-blessing hour. I am not an organized person. Left to my natural instincts, the laundry would be left in the baskets unfolded, the sink would be full of dirty dishes, and if we were going to have company, I would need 8 hours to be ready for them. ( I won't describe the grouchy, yelling banshee I also might turn into.)Trust me, that is no way to live.And fortunately for my family and for me, we don't have to live that way any … [Read more...]
Friday Fashion Fun
I love clothes.I love fashion blogs.I love pinning outfits on pinterest.Today I am going to share some of the outfits from my pinterest boards that I hope to recreate this winter. With this crazy warm weather we have had this week, I think I better get with it. We may have a VERY, VERY early spring!I like the simplicity of this and the way she rolled her sleeves.I love a crisp white shirt.Note to self: You have something like all of this. Wear them together.I love the aqua with black.I'm going … [Read more...]
Cowgirl Cookies
Hello, Friends! I come from a long line of cookie bakers. Both of my grandma's and my mom have signature cookie recipes, and I have eaten more delicious cookies in my lifetime than I would want to admit to. I love them! If I am happy....let's make cookies.If I am bored....let's make cookies.If I am stressed or sad or lonely......... You get the idea. Cowboy Cookies are my boys' favorite cookie and I have made dozens and dozens and dozens of them. Now that we have 3 precious granddaughters, they … [Read more...]
What Farmers Do For Fun….Lookin’ Local
Art museums, sculpture gardens and amazing skylines are no where to be found in our neck of the woods, and there are no new stores and convenience stores popping up left and right. Our country road hasn't changed much in 25 years-our house is the only one on the almost mile stretch and our closest neighbors are almost 3/4 miles away. Traffic really picks up in the spring and fall when trucks, tractors and combines travel by, but the rest of the time, we know almost everyone in the cars who … [Read more...]