30 Day Daily Affirmation Challenge
Hello, Friends!
Thank you so much for your response on my recent post about How I Manage My Thoughts. Learning to make a productive choice of what to think about and focus on is a daily challenge for me. However, I trust that God is in the sanctification business and I BELIEVE he is renewing my mind-and yours, too, if you want. Are you ready for a little 30 Day Daily Affirmation Challenge?
Sidebar: Did you miss the post? Catch Up Here
One of the tips I suggested was to repeat affirmations daily. I decided the best way to share those with you was here on A Vintage Farmwife, so we created this beautiful PDF for you to print out, and now I want to invite you to participate with me in a 30 Day Daily Affirmation Challenge.
This affirmation list was shared with me by a person who runs a half-way house ministry in Florida for women coming out of addiction. The women are encouraged to recite these affirmations every morning. Those brave warriors often believe so many lies about themselves.
Unfortunately, many of the rest of us do, too. It is sooo important for us to really believe who we are in Christ. When that truth sinks in, we can bravely do hard things. We can bravely and humbly share our stories and be the light in a dark world.
Sometimes the hardest thing of all is just to BE YOU!!! Especially in this day and age when the bullies are out in full force with their shaming and “fact checking” and scolding all day long. But scriptures tell us NOT TO CONFORM to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED bY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND.
The idea of renewing our minds gets me all excited because I don’t want to stay the old me. I want to be the new and improved me that God designed me to be, and I’m convinced that can only happen when I fully believe who God is and who HE SAYS THAT I AM BECAUSE OF CHRIST.
Can you imagine the glory of the church and the good we can accomplish when we leave our old ways of thinking behind and embrace HIM, die to our old selves and allow him to work in our hearts and minds? When we stop putting ourselves down and playing small and counting on others to do the work and humble bragging and worshipping all our idols and operating in fear and claiming everyone else has gifts, but we don’t?
I’ve been a slow learner in this area most of my life and people pleasing has been a huge part of it. I thought that the Christian thing to do was try to make YOU happy…and YOU….and YOU…and YOU. Now I know better. I only need to worry about pleasing ONE person and all the rest will fall into place. Or not.
And that One person I need to please? That is my GOOD, GOOD HEAVENLY FATHER, He loves me enough to send his only son to die for my sins and yours. Ahhhhh. Love is such a good motivator!
Mind boggling.
Our identity is not about what we do nor is it about how we feel. Identity, ultimately, is about who GOD is and who HE says we are.
Let Him Introduce You
See, if He was given a chance to introduce you and respond to your silent, self-sabotaging thoughts, He would say:
- I chose her before the creation of the world and adopted her into my family by faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. Ephesians 1:4-11
- She is MY child. John 1:12, Romans 8:14-15
- She is Christ’s friend. John 15:15
- She is MY workmanship. Ephesians 2:10
- She is chosen and appointed by MY son, Jesus Christ to bear His fruit. John 15:16
- She is forgiven. Matthew 26:28, Ephesians 1:7
- She is sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13
- She is a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17
- She is alive with Christ. Ephesians 2:5
- She is blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. Ephesians 1:3
- She is set free. Romans 8:2, John 8:32
- She is not alone and does not need to fear. Isaiah 43:1-2, Deut. 31:6-8
- She is victorious through the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 15:57
- She is not controlled by the sinful nature but by the Spirit. Romans 8:9
- She knows my voice and follows me. John 10:27
- She has received eternal life and cannot be snatched out of My hand. John 10:28
- She is able to hear MY voice. John 8:47
- She does not belong to this world. John 15:19
- She belongs to Me! I Peter 2:9
Perhaps you need to be introduced to yourself!
“Hello, You! Meet YOU!”
30 Day Affirmation Challenge
Now that you know what God thinks of you, would you join me in repeating these affirmations every day for 30 days? Then let’s chat about how God is using them to transform our hearts!
Want a copy of these affirmations to print out? Enter your email in the form below and they will be on their way.
Talk to you soon!
You are an inspiration
Thank you so much, Becky! I hope you guys are getting back to normal in Iowa.
Shared! Thank you! AND WHERE ARE THESE PICTURES TAKEN! I want to visit here! I love big houses with big porches!!! So peaceful and inviting!
Love you, sister! Keep doing what you are doing!
Hey, Dori! Thank you for sharing. I hope it blesses someone else. I took these pics at Eden Garden State Park. It is near our place in Florida. I love to go there to walk around and enjoy those beautiful trees. There is a cool neighborhood around it, too, with a beautiful church and funky artistic houses. You should go some time!